Past PoLS seminar series

16.04.2021 Sergey Ovchinnikov Harvard University A unified framework for understanding and evaluating generative models of protein sequences
16.04.2021 Jan Skotheim Stanford University Towards molecular mechanisms linking cell growth and division
22.04.2021 Wallace Marshall UCSF Pattern formation and regeneration in a single cell
29.04.2021 Gordon Berman Emory University Measuring the hidden dynamics of animal behavior
06.05.2021 Alexander Rives Facebook AI research Biological structure and function emerge from scaling unsupervised learning to 250M protein sequences
07.05.2021 Matthias Garten National Institutes of Health The Malaria Parasite – Red Blood Cell Interface: Installing Transport to Survive in an Organelle-free Host Cell
20.05.2021 Katharina Ribbeck MIT Partners in Slime: How Mucus Regulates Microbial Virulence
03.06.2021 Richard Neher University of Basel Tracking and predicting the evolution of human RNA viruses
17.06.2021 Nikta Fakhri MIT Physics Broken symmetries in living matter
01.07.2021 Shashi Thutupalli NCBS Surfing phage infections during a bacterial range expansion
09.09.2021 Robert West EPFL Shedding light on lives with logs
16.09.2021 Magnus Rattray Manchester University Gaussian process methods for single-cell and spatial transcriptomics
23.09.2021 Lucy Colwell Cambridge University – Google Machine learning for biological sequence design with therapeutic applications
15.10.2021 Hana El-Samad UCSF Build to Understand: the Secret Lives of BioCircuits
28.10.2021 Marta Luksza Mount Sinai Immune selection and predictability of cancer evolution
11.11.2021 Vahid Shahrezaei Imperial College London The cause and consequence of global gene expression scaling with cell size
18.11.2021 Heinz Köppl TU Darmstadt From live cell fluorescence microscopy to moment-based variational inference
25.11.2021 Edda Klipp HU Berlin Understanding a life – integration of time-resolved population and single cell data for a yeast cell from birth to division