Monthly symposium

We hold a monthly symposium every third Friday of the month at 15.00 CET in room SV1717.

In this symposium, PoLS students, postdocs and PIs are welcome to show their new work, discuss new ideas, present preliminary data, or discuss classical/landmark work. Internal presentations have a maximum duration of 15 minutes. Invited speakers give 30-minute talks. Suggestions for external speakers, including students and postdocs from other institutions, are always welcome. Substantial time is available for questions after each talk, and there are breaks with some food and drinks to foster informal discussions. 

To volunteer, or to suggest a speaker, please contact Julia.

When there is a hybrid mode, the Zoom link is

You can watch or re-watch some of the presentations on our two SwitchTube channels. One is open to the public, while the other one is only for EPFL members (speakers’ choice):

SwitchTube channel public

SwitchTube channel EPFL Member

Upcoming seminars


Thursday – 05.09.2024 – Special PoLS Seminar

09:30 Bjoern Reinhard Boston University Plasmonics at and for the Nano-Bio Interface
10:30 Christian Eggeling Friedrich Schiller University Jena Advanced (super-resolution) fluorescence microscopy for studying plasma membrane organization

Thursday – 19.09.2024 – Special PoLS Seminar

14:00 Jef D. Boeke NYU Langone Health Scaling up genome engineering in yeast and mammals

Friday – 20.09.2024

15:00 Giacomo von Alvensleben Auwerx lab Systems genetics to identify novel determinants of cardiac function
15:20 Alan Teo Yue Yang Courtine Lab Identification of perturbation-responsive regions and genes in comparative spatial transcriptomics atlases
15:40 PAUSE    
16:00 Edward Lyman University of Delaware Exploiting the AF2 breakthrough to learn how membranes and their proteins are matched
16:45 Francesco Zamponi Sapienza University of Rome Emergent time scales of epistasis in protein evolution
17:30     Snacks and drinks

Wednesday – 25.09.2024 – Special PoLS Seminar

10:00 Alexis Moreau Yale University Surface remodeling and inversion of cell-matrix interaction underlies community recognition and dispersal in biofilms

Friday – 18.10.2024

14:15 Gijsje Koenderink TU Delft TBA
15:00 PAUSE    
15:20 Andrea Salati Naef Lab TBA
15:40 Maria Boulougouri Vandergheynst Lab TBA
16:00 FREE    
16:20     Snacks and drinks

Friday – 15.11.2024

15:00 Vamsi Nallapareddy Vandergheynst Lab TBA
15:20 Alexandra Shelest De Los Rios Lab TBA
15:40 PAUSE    
16:00 Alessandro Rizzi Kim Lab TBA
16:45 FREE    
17:20     Snacks and drinks

Friday – 13.12.2024

15:00 Yangyang Miao Correia Lab TBA
15:20 FREE    
15:40 PAUSE    
16:00 Lijing Xin Biomedical imaging research center TBA
16:45 FREE    
17:20     Snacks and drinks


Friday – 28.02.2025

15:00 FREE    
15:20 FREE    
15:40 PAUSE    
16:00 FREE    
16:45     Snacks and drinks 

Friday – 21.03.2025

15:00 FREE    
15:20 FREE    
15:40 PAUSE    
16:00 FREE    
16:45     Snacks and drinks 

Friday – 11.04.2025

15:00 FREE    
15:20 FREE    
15:40 PAUSE    
16:00 FREE    
16:45     Snacks and drinks 

Friday – 16.05.2025

15:00 FREE    
15:20 FREE    
15:40 PAUSE    
16:00 FREE    
16:45     Snacks and drinks 

Friday – 12.09.2025

15:00 FREE    
15:20 FREE    
15:40 PAUSE    
16:00 FREE    
16:45     Snacks and drinks 

Friday – 17.10.2025

15:00 FREE    
15:20 FREE    
15:40 PAUSE    
16:00 FREE    
16:45     Snacks and drinks 

Friday – 21.11.2025

15:00 FREE    
15:20 FREE    
15:40 PAUSE    
16:00 FREE    
16:45     Snacks and drinks 

Friday – 12.12.2025

15:00 FREE    
15:20 FREE    
15:40 PAUSE    
16:00 FREE    
16:45     Snacks and drinks